
A girl, a leaf and thousands of polygons.

Sometimes I’d have an idea for an image that requires a bit more than a camera and the lights. Sometimes I need help. CGI or computer-generated imagery helps me create those ideas. And I’m not talking about combining different images to create a new one. I’m talking creating things from scratch in a computer.

Like the first encounter between a diver and a mermaid. Made around 2010.


A Diver’s Dream

The diver, the ground and the pipe were created in the computer.

I started to do more CGI and photo projects. Then, in 2011, I decided to focus on the camera and work on getting better at photography. I also didn’t want to spend so much time sitting in front of a computer instead of being behind the camera.

Recently, amazing new software and hardware advances, have made it a lot easier to create more in a lot less time. So I decided to give it another try. I have tons of ideas in a drawer because I didn’t have the budget to make them 100% on camera. Well, it is time to dust them off and get to work.

The first image I made using this method is called “The Little Gardener”. It’s about a little girl and the first leaf on the tree she has been taking care of inside an old house. It’s about wonder and discovery.



It took me a while to finish this one. Everything in the scene, except the girl, was made in a computer.

Here you can see what’s a photo and what’s CGI

I’m already working on the next image. Hopefully the will get better as we go! Stay up to day with my work on Instagram or just follow my blog.

Have a wonderful day.


Oliver Regueiro

Oliver Regueiro1 Comment